start: taking up space

​If you would like to appear more confident and empowered in the workplace. Take up space, on video and in person. Appear loose and comfortable with your body language. On screen? Take up the space; position the middle top of your head centered at the top of your view screen.


Check it out, try it. Let me know how it goes. 



people are impossible hate mongers.
take your idealist mangled lifestyles away and slaughter them of their hopeful youth.
confiscate my delusions as your reality and maybe we will succeed...
my fists go numb in fury of your ignorance
pleasant human wastoids how i am in awe of your ignorance.
paste my fictitious thoughts into your brain barn.
maybe then and only then can we be friends.
Die For Now,
# A. Drake



good mourning my infantile beasts of friendship relation style blathering.
i find to day to have immense sexy appeal. it's cool and windyish with a crows cawing in the portal of my own window pane. i feel joy to all who get to feel this cool day of life in the beginning of june. A vail of relief has filled my soul as soon as quests be taught to me i must embark.
this is a day that makes joy feel attainable. this is who i fill my soul with.
i think i will write and read and draw some and some more.
filling my minds and letting it reverse devour everything it soaks sopping into its biological organ that is my brain.
a machine will never know how it is to be human, as a human can never feel the idea of what it is to be mechanical.
that is all.
Die For Now,
# A. Drake



suck my butt with a vacuum of dust lard
i have seen the human condition and decided that it needs children drool.
offensive bandages of blood and puss filled mucus, i think you need a babies shot.
if intellectuals can see through your brains and make you buy pointless crap
the plague in your bellies as to how you live your lives truly scares my feces through my bum.
smelly waste i heed your demon stench to awaken me from this coma of flabbergasted stupidity.
upon this awakening i shall piss excellence into your fountains of nude baby concreate.
shower in my existence and i shall fling balloons at your embarrassment
thanks be to you who breathe air, and I shall cry black tears of joy.
Die For Now,
# A. Drake



progression of self.
looks like i have been taking a detour for a while.
like something had me laying dorment looking for something other than my end goal.
back to reality.
thought provoking isn't it.
i find people deviate from their own morality far to often for my liking.
i'm infected with the human gene of existence and i find it unfair.
asking for change and reform from such an evolved disfunction is to say the least impossible.
look at it from a far and you will see how incapable we are from back track or stray movement.
lost in our own filth of denial we will only change when we face extinction.
beyond that we are a stubborn creature void of even the faintest compromise.
rotten people.
long i do for a day of satisfaction that will come glaring from at me with irony and comedic relief.
prison feels like this.
inconsistant pillow bitters that are slowly taking one for the team.
tormented by the idea of pain and pleasure both residing in the same forceful beast.
all along with the possibility of an infectious disease that will inevitably engulf its own existence.
for this thing itself can only harvest itself inside us carrier beings.
cancerous pornographic filth bucketed human existence is for now and a while more.
Die For Now,
# A. Drake



finally a day so that i can think about things...
the world can be so consuming when it comes to life and all that stuff.
time tends to slow and speed up when ever it feels like.
then just when you think you can push harder and faster all that time catches up with you.
then you fall flat on your face and look like a total nugget of stupid.
i can't stand things the way they tend to be.
can we fix the human dilemma.
can i punch the human existence back to before it got dumb.
people blame video games and movies and stuff.
i blame people not using their resources to better themselves.
stupid nuggets.
what wonderful meat puppets i surround my life with
i need another hobby.
i agree.
Die For Now,
# A. Drake



fun thing happened today...
tomorrow should hopefully be more bland.
Die For Now,
# A. Drake